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General conditions of bicycle rental

General conditions of bicycle rental

These General Terms and Conditions for renting a bicycle define the basic rights, obligations and conditions of use of bicycles, electric bicycles, accessories and services of NEW VELO SERVIS s. r. o.

Article I
General conditions, provisions and interpretation of terms

1. The general terms and conditions of renting a bicycle and accessories (hereinafter referred to as "VPN") establish the conditions under which bicycles, electric bicycles and accessories (hereinafter referred to as the "subject of lease") in the possession of the lessor will be left for temporary use by the contractual lessee (hereinafter referred to as the "lessee" ).
2. For the purposes of these VPNs, the lessee is a natural or legal person who is entitled to use the object of the lease on the basis of the Lease Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") concluded with the lessor.
3. The subject of the lease, or its components and accessories, are specified in more detail in the Lease Agreement concluded between the lessor and the lessee and in the protocol on handing over and taking over the subject of the lease.
4. By paying the deposit, the tenant confirms that he has familiarized himself with these VPNs and that he agrees with them.
5. The rental relationship between the lessor and the lessee is established on the basis of the Lease Agreement.
6. The rights and obligations of the parties to the Lease Agreement not regulated in the Lease Agreement are governed by the provisions of these VPNs. Issues that are not regulated either in the Lease Agreement or in these VPNs are governed by the provisions of the Commercial Code and the relevant provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. – Civil Code, as well as related generally binding legal regulations effective in the Slovak Republic.
7. The provisions of the Lease Agreement take precedence over these VPNs, unless the Lease Agreement provides otherwise.
8. By signing the Bicycle Rental Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Rental Agreement"), the Lessee declares that he has familiarized himself with the wording of these VPNs before signing the Rental Agreement.
9. At the same time, by signing the Lease Agreement, the Tenant declares that he has no objections to the wording of these VPNs and fully agrees with them.
10. By signing the Lease Agreement, the lessee confirms that he has been properly instructed by the lessor about the manner of using the object of the lease.

Article II
Ordering the object of the lease

1. The subject of the lease can be ordered by filling out the online reservation form, which is located on the website www.rental.velocity.sk and which contains all the necessary fields for entering a binding order. In addition to the subject of the lease, consent to these VPNs as well as consent to the processing of personal data is confirmed. The order becomes binding by paying the deposit specified on the website and crediting it to the lessor's account. A summary of the content of the reservation will be sent to the tenant at the email address specified in the reservation form after sending the reservation form.
2. If the deposit is not paid, it will not be possible to complete the reservation.
3. In the case of a bulk order (for 10 or more bicycles), there may be a demand, or place the order via email rental@velocity.sk. The rental conditions will be agreed individually by email.
4. In the case of an order by a natural person, the order must contain the details of the person who will pay for the object of the lease, including the refundable security deposit, sign the Lease Agreement and physically take over, unless otherwise agreed with the lessor in advance. This person must be at least 18 years old.
5. In the case of ordering a legal entity, the order must contain the details of the person who will sign the Lease Agreement and physically take over the object of the lease, unless otherwise agreed in advance with the lessor. This person must be at least 18 years old.
6. The future tenant can take over the ordered object of the lease on the day and time when the object of the lease was ordered via the online form and only during the opening hours of the Velocity store Lamačská cesta 8, BA. It is possible to hand over the object of the lease on the day and hour for which the object of the lease was ordered.
7. The bicycle reservation becomes binding upon payment of the deposit for the reservation in question online, unless otherwise agreed. The deposit will be returned to the lessee after the bike has been inspected, within 2 working days after the bike is returned, either in full or in the event of damage, loss or theft of the rental object in a reduced amount (see Article III of these VPNs).

Article III
Payment terms - amount of rent and deposit

1. The amount of rent for the use of the rental object is determined depending on the duration of the rental relationship and will be calculated after filling out the online reservation form.
2. The lessee is obliged to pay the deposit for the reservation in question online, unless otherwise agreed
3. In the event that the subject of the lease is returned by the lessee on time and without damage, which will be checked by the lessor after the service inspection of the bicycle, the lessor undertakes to return the paid security deposit less the amount of the rent to the lessee to the account from which the payment was received within 2 working days from returning the bike.
4. In the event that the tenant returns the object of the lease damaged beyond normal wear and tear, the deposit will be reduced by an amount that will cover the costs of repair and damage removal in addition to the amount for the rent. The rest of the deposit will be returned to the tenant.
5. In the event that the tenant does not return the object of the lease within the contractually agreed term, the deposit will be used to pay contractual fines in the amount of three times the rental price for one day, for each day of delay in returning the object of the lease.
6. In case of theft or loss of the rental object, the deposit will be used to pay the costs associated with the procurement of a new rental object. At the same time, the tenant is obliged to pay the rest of the remaining price of the rental item, which is listed on the rental company's website.
7. The lessee is informed that theft or damage to the object of the lease caused by its operation during the lease period is fully borne by the lessee, regardless of the degree of fault on the part of the lessee.
8. The reduction of the deposit and the reason for the reduction will be recorded and confirmed by the signatures of the lessee and the lessor in the handover protocol.
9. The lease can be extended by filling out the online order form again, or after agreement with the lessor and paying the full amount for the extended lease. If the object of the lease is already booked by another customer for the requested date and the extension of the lease is not possible and the object of the lease is not returned to the lessee within the contractually agreed time, the lessee will be charged a fine in the amount of three times the rental price for one day

Article IV
Conditions for cancellation

1. If the tenant cancels his reservation within 3 or more days before the beginning of the contractually agreed rent, he will be refunded the deposit reduced by 50% of the total rent.
2. If the tenant cancels his reservation less than 3 days before the beginning of the contractually agreed rent, he will be refunded the deposit reduced by 100% of the total rent.
3. After making a reservation, but no later than 24 hours before the start of the rental, the tenant has the option to change the rental date once according to the availability of the rental object without penalty. He must notify this fact by email to the address rental@velocity.sk with an alternative date. If the tenant does not choose an alternative date, the rent will be forfeited in full.
4. If the tenant cancels his reservation less than 24 hours before the beginning of the contractually agreed rent, he will no longer have the opportunity to change the reservation and will be refunded the deposit reduced by 100% of the total rent.

Article V
Handing over and taking over the object of the lease

1. Based on the conditions agreed in the Lease Agreement and these VPNs, the Lessor hands over the object of the lease to the Lessee for temporary use. Unless otherwise agreed by the contracting parties, the handover and taking over of the object of the lease will take place first after the signing of the Lease Agreement.
1. The delivery of the object of the lease specified in more detail in the Lease Agreement will take place at the address of the lessor of the Velocity store - Lamačská cesta 8/A, Bratislava, or at the contractually agreed address, unless otherwise stated in the Lease Agreement.
2. When signing the Rental Agreement, the tenant - a natural person is obliged to present an ID card or passport and another document proving his identity (insurance card, driver's license, passport, etc.). In the event that the lessee is a legal entity, the person authorized to act on his behalf is required to present an identity card and authorization to act on behalf of the lessee – a legal entity.
3. The lessor has the right to make a photocopy of the identity document.
4. All costs related to taking over the rental object, as well as costs related to returning the rental object, are borne by the lessee.
5. By signing the rental agreement, the lessee confirms that he has checked or tested the leased item and that it is fully functional, without defects, and in this condition he accepts the leased item from the lessor.
6. Based on the lessor's instruction, the lessee also tries out the leased object himself, proving that he is able to properly and independently use the leased object.
7. The handing over and taking over of the leased object is referred to in the Protocol on taking over and handing over the leased object (hereinafter referred to as the "takeover and handing over protocol"), which forms an integral part of the Lease Agreement and which contains a specification of the leased object with a description. Both contracting parties will sign the acceptance and handover protocol and each of the contracting parties will receive one copy.

Article VI
Special provisions on the termination of the lease and the return of the object of the lease

1. The contract expires upon the expiry of the period for which the lease was agreed upon and the signing of the acceptance and handover protocol, one copy of which will be received by each of the contracting parties. In the acceptance and handover protocol, the contracting parties shall indicate all defects of the object of the lease, or whether the object of the lease is functional and without defects.
2. The object of the lease is considered properly returned if it is handed over according to protocol and the acceptance and handover protocol is signed by both contracting parties, otherwise it is valid that the object of the lease has not been returned.
3. After the end of the lease, the lessee is obliged to return the object of the lease to the lessor in the condition in which he received it from the lessor, taking into account normal wear and tear.
4. The lessor has the right to withdraw from the contract and demand the immediate return of the object of the lease before the end of the period for which the lease was agreed, especially if the lessor discovers that:
• the lessee does not use the object properly, in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended
• the lessee is under the influence of narcotic and/or addictive substances while using the leased object
5. The lessor has the right to refuse to hand over the object of the lease to the future lessee, in particular:
• if the future tenant does not sufficiently understand the way of using the leased object,
• if the future tenant does not prove that he is able to use the object of the lease properly and independently,
• if it is clear from the behavior of the future tenant that he will not treat the object of the lease with sufficient consideration,
• if it is possible to conclude from the future tenant's behavior that he is under the influence of any narcotic and/or addictive substances at the time of taking over,
• if the future tenant does not provide proof of identity with two documents (civil card/passport and another document, such as an insurance card, driver's license, etc.),
• if payment for the deposit has not been received on the lessor's account, or if the future lessee does not deposit the required amount in another pre-agreed form.

Article VII
Rights and obligations of the contracting parties

1. The lessor is obliged to hand over the object of the lease to the lessee for the purpose of its temporary use in a proper technical condition, enabling the use of the object of the lease for the purpose agreed in the Lease Agreement.
2. The lessee is obliged to maintain the object of the lease in the condition in which he received it from the lessor, taking into account normal wear and tear.
3. The lessee is obliged to treat the object of the lease with due care and ensure that it is not damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen, even if the object of the lease is not used. The lessee is fully responsible for the violation of the obligation under this point.
4. The lessee is not authorized to carry out repairs, modifications, changes, or any technical intervention on the subject of the lease himself or indirectly without the prior written consent of the lessor.
5. Furthermore, the lessee is not authorized to provide the object of the lease with additional accessories (stands, holders, etc.) nor to remove any accessories from the object of the lease.
6. In the event of a technical fault, the lessee is obliged to contact the lessor without delay in order to agree on the procedure for removing the fault.
7. If the subject of the lease will also include accessories, e.g. a carrier for the vehicle's towing device, a baby carriage, etc. the lessee is obliged to follow the lessor's instructions and at the same time to follow the vehicle's technical documentation on the maximum permissible load of the vehicle as well as on the method of mounting and operation of such accessories on his vehicle. In the event that the lessee does not proceed in accordance with the technical documentation of the vehicle and there is damage to the accessories or the lessor of the vehicle bears no responsibility for such damage or damages caused to third parties.
8. The lessor will hand over and, after the expiration of the agreed lease period, take over the object of the lease from the lessee on the agreed date and at the address specified in the Lease Agreement, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise. Taking over the object of the lease by the lessee and handing over the object of the lease after the end of the agreed period of the lease shall be confirmed by the contracting parties in the Protocol on acceptance and handover, which is an integral part of the Lease Agreement.
9. The tenant is entitled to use the object of the lease only in accordance with its purpose, namely for leisure cycling. The object of the lease cannot be used for bicycle races, in bike parks, or extreme MTB cycling.
10. The lessee is entitled to use the object of the lease only in the contractually agreed country.
11. The lessee is obliged to use the object of the lease in such a way that there is no damage to the object of the lease or its excessive wear and tear. The lessee is obliged to protect the object of the lease not only from damage, loss or destruction, but is also responsible to the lessor for any damage, loss and decrease in the value of the object of the lease in full, regardless of the extent of the fault of the lessee.
12. The subject of the lease can only be used by the lessee. The lessee is solely responsible for damage to the leased object by a person to whom the lessee entrusted the leased object, as if he had caused the damage to the leased object himself.
13. The right to use the object of the lease expires upon the expiration of the period for which the contract was negotiated.
14. Any damage or defects to the object of the lease caused by improper use of the object of the lease or for other reasons caused or caused by the lessee during the duration of the lease relationship shall be borne in full by the lessee.
15. The lessee is liable for damage caused by breach of his obligations arising from the Lease Agreement, these VPNs, as well as generally binding legal regulations.
16. In the event that the object of the lease requires repair, modification, replacement of a damaged part, or the need for any assembly or service work during the agreed lease period, the lessor undertakes to carry out these exclusively, either directly or through its contractual partners. In the event that damage to the leased object was caused by unprofessional or incorrect use of the leased object by the lessee, the lessee undertakes to pay all costs related to the service repair of the leased object to the lessor on the basis of an invoice or a simplified invoice issued by the lessor or another repair company. This invoice becomes due on the day it is issued, if no other due date was specified in the invoice.
17. If the complete damage to the object of the lease is caused by its use by the lessee, which is in violation of the contract and these VPN, the lessee is obliged to pay the lessor a one-time rent for the remaining period of the lease and also the remaining price of the object of lease stated in the Lease Agreement. For this purpose, the lessor is entitled to offset this owed amount with the amount of the deposit paid by the lessee to the lessor in accordance with Article III. of these VPNs.
18. The lessee is obliged to secure the object of the lease against theft. The security procedure is specified in the document Principles of use, maintenance and security of the electric bicycle and is also specified in the Rental Agreement.

19. In case of theft of the object of the lease, the lessee is obliged to report this fact immediately on the telephone number 112 or to the relevant department of the Police, in order to write a report on the report of theft, and he is obliged to submit this report to the lessor.
20. The lessee is obliged to immediately notify the lessor of the circumstances of the occurrence and the expected extent of the damage and to submit to the lessor a document of its notification to the relevant department of the police force, or to another competent authority.
21. The lessee is obliged to immediately notify the lessor by telephone of any breakdown, accident, damage, destruction, loss or theft of the object of the lease or its part, or other defect or fact that makes it impossible to use the object of the lease, by phone number +421254410211
22. In the event that during the duration of the rental relationship, the object of the lease is lost, stolen, or destroyed, so that the object of the lease becomes unusable, the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor the remaining price of the leased object specified in the Lease Agreement within 7 days from the date of occurrence of the damage event or theft of the object of the lease. After payment of the entire remaining price for the subject of the lease by the lessee, all rights to the subject of the lease pass to the lessor.
23. For failure to return the object of the lease in accordance with the conditions arising from the Lease Agreement or these VPNs, the lessee is obliged to pay the lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of three times the daily rent including VAT for each calendar day of delay in returning the object of the lease, up to the time of return of the object of the lease to the lessor.
24. The lessee acknowledges that he is obliged to properly comply with all rules and regulations related to the safety and smoothness of road traffic when using the leased object.
25. At the same time, he acknowledges that the tenant is solely responsible for the violation of these regulations and rules relating to the safety and smoothness of road traffic, or for damage to the property and health of third parties that occurred in connection with this violation.
26. At the same time, the lessee acknowledges that he is also responsible for the violation of the rules, legal regulations mentioned in the previous sentence of this point VPN as well as for any damage that arose in connection with their violation, if these were violated by third parties who entrusted the subject of the lease to the lessee they used on the basis of the signed Lease Agreement.
27. By signing the Lease Agreement, the lessee acknowledges that any fines for offenses committed in the area of ​​road traffic flow and safety, as well as other offenses committed by the lessee during the duration of the lease relationship established on the basis of the Lease Agreement, in connection with the use of the subject of the lease, shall be paid exclusively by the lessee . The lessee is also liable for any fines imposed in connection with the commission of the offenses mentioned in the previous sentence of this VPN point, if these were committed by third parties who used the object of the lease entrusted to the lessee on the basis of the Lease Agreement.
28. By signing the Lease Agreement, the Lessee declares that he uses the leased object at his own risk and is responsible for all damages caused in connection with the use of the leased object.